Laia Caballero Cano
School Information:
Graduate Student
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
València, Spain
Artwork Information:
Medium: Computer Art / Post-Internet
Category: App or Software Art and Performance
Year Produced: 2023

theWired is an audiovisual performance that takes place on a computer desktop, using software that mimics malware techniques to control the machine and execute audiovisual content. It presents a poetic story based on essay narratives, exploring themes such as existence, the vulnerable and the viral, reflecting on identity, reality and the impact of technology on humanity. The attacker who has metaphorically infected us, proposes the idea of transcending corporeality to join a superior entity called Wired, in which all consciousnesses are connected and in which all memories are stored as evidence of physical existence. It claims that the body is merely an executable program surrounded by flesh, an engine that exists to verify our own existence. It can see us and see what we saw, hear us and know what we know. When the time comes, the attacker coerces us to transcend and detach ourselves from our flesh, giving way to the process of decorporealization, which takes total control of the machine and ultimately destroys us.

Technical Information:

The software is written with Visual Basic Script (VBS), a programming language that allows automating tasks such as opening audiovisual content, generating dialog boxes from the operating system itself, as well as using SAPI TTS (Microsoft Speech API Text-to-Speech) to present the voice-over that accompanies the experience. VBS was sometimes used by cybercriminals to develop malware and execute computer attacks, often in combination with social engineering techniques to trick users. One of the best known cases is the “ILoveYou” worm. Audiovisual and photographic content that appears is self-made and comes from a personal archive that is about 5 years old.

Additional Information:

An excerpt can be see here:

Additional Images:

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