The DAC will debuted the latest Online Exhibition: The Future Past vs. Coloniality: Decolonial Media Art Beyond 530 Years. The exhibition was curated by Liliana Conlisk Gallegos and is presented by the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. You can check out the exhibition in the Art Gallery onsite, and online.
The Exhibition Website:

Rebecca Ruige Xu currently teaches computer art and animation at Syracuse University. Her artwork and research interests include experimental animation, visual music, artistic data visualization, interactive installations, digital performance and virtual reality. Her recent work has been shown at: ISEA; Ars Electronica; SIGGRAPH Art Gallery; IEEE VIS Arts Program, Museum of Contemporary Art, Italy; Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, USA; FILE– Electronic Language International Festival, Brazil; International Digital Art Exhibition, China; Boston Cyberarts Festival, USA.

With the goal of advancing the certain decolonial turn, Dr. Machete’s (Liliana Conlisk Gallegos) live, interactive media art production and border rasquache performances generate culturally specific, collective, technocultural creative spaces of production that reconnect Chicana/o/x Mestiza Indigenous wisdom/conocimiento to their ongoing technological and scientific contributions, still currently “overlooked” through the logic of the decaying Eurocentric project of Modernity. As a transfronteriza (perpetual border crosser), to her, the current limited perceptions of what research, media, and technology can be are like a yonke (junkyard), from which pieces are upcycled and repurposed to amplify individual and collective expression, community healing, and social justice.