Jennifer Gradecki

Derek Curry and Jennifer Gradecki are media artists who critique technological solutionism by reverse-engineering technologies to reveal underlying assumptions and problems that arise through implementation. In their practice, they often use methods from media theory and science and technology studies as a means for critical engagement. Their artworks have helped the public to understand and intervene in social media misinformation and disinformation, and have replicated open-source surveillance systems, financial technologies, and facial recognition systems to reveal their inner workings through interactive experiences.Curry is Associate Professor and Gradecki is Assistant Professor in Art + Design at Northeastern University in Boston. They hold MFAs from UCLA in New Genres (2010) and PhDs from SUNY Buffalo in Media Study (Curry 2018) and Visual Studies (Gradecki 2019). They have presented and exhibited at venues including Ars Electronica (Linz), Arts Santa Mónica (Barcelona), National Gallery X (London), NeMe (Cyprus), Athens Digital Arts Festival, and Piksel Festival (Bergen). Their research has been published in Leonardo, Big Data & Society, Artnodes, Visual Resources, and Leuven University Press. They were finalists for the 2021 Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year in Art and Science, and the 2024 European Digital Deal Artist Residency at Sineglossa. They were awarded Best Artist(s) in the ‘Artists for Media’ track for MediaFutures transnational support program in 2023. Their artwork has been funded by Science Gallery Dublin, Science Gallery Detroit, Science Gallery Atlanta, the NEoN Digital Arts Festival, and MediaFutures.

SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community Roles:
  • Exhibition Artist